Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the Ramon Club Inn, website. We request you to go through the Terms and Conditions (referred to as T&C here on) carefully before you proceed to use this site. By using this site, you agree to comply with our given T&C and are bound to it. If you do not agree with T&C, we request you refrain from using this Site

Acceptance of Agreement

You hereby agree to the T&C given in this Terms and Conditions Agreement with respect to our site. This agreement incorporates the entirety of the agreement and will be the only such said agreement between us and you. Also, encompasses and supersedes all the prior or ongoing agreements, representations, warranties, and any understandings, we state w.r.t the site. Moreover, the content, products, or any other services that are the sole property of Ramon Club Inn, presented on the site or found elsewhere our copyright. This agreement may be amended at any given time in the future by us without any prior notice to you. The latest Agreement will be updated on the site in a timely manner. You must review this Agreement before you use the site.

Use of Website

Ramon Club Inn gives you the authority to print, view, share or download any content, creatives, videos, forms, and documents from the Site. However, all of the above-mentioned should be for your personal, non-commercial use only and you must not change, delete or alter any such material and keep the copyright intact. You may not alter, repost, reproduce, publicly view, perform, assign, sublicense, sell, or otherwise prepare derivative works of the materials on this Website for any reason other than as specifically permitted under this Agreement, or otherwise use the materials for any purpose. All the copyrights of our materials posted on the Site and our other handles and subsidiaries are owned by us and should be used with the permission of Ramon Club Inn only. Unauthorized use of any of the above-mentioned materials will violate the copyright, trademark, and another proprietary (including but in no way limited to intellectual property) legal rights of Ramon Club Inn. We urge you to refrain from such copyright infringements as we adhere to our policies severely. You are given a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, and limited license to access and use this website and its contents with strict adherence and accordance to the T&C. Ramon Club Inn has complete and sole authority to terminate the license at any time for any reason with no say from the user.

Editing, Deleting, and Modification

Ramon Club Inn reserve all the rights in their sole discretion to edit, delete or modify any documents, information, and other content appearing on this Site.


Each and Every material you view or use on this website is protected by copyright laws. Distribution of all the copyright materials that you can view on the website is strictly prohibited, especially for commercial purposes. “The owners of the intellectual property, copyrights, and trademarks or its affiliates or third party licensors are Ramon Club Inn.” Furthermore, domestic and international copyright and trademark laws protect the entire Contents of this Site. You are strictly and expressly prohibited from modifying, copying, republishing, uploading, reproducing, posting, distributing, sharing, or transmitting any material on this site including text, graphics, and codes.

Terms of Policy

Ramon Club Inn reserves the sole right to revise, amend or modify the TERMS and CONDITIONS policy at any time and in any way it deems fit. Any such change, revision, or updates will be posted here